Adhesive capsulitis /Frozen shoulder may be defined as the abnormal pathological condition in where forms excessive scar tissue formation with muscle spasm or adhesion formation across the shoulder joints leading to an insidious painful condition, gradually progressive stiffness, limited range of motion, fibrous tissue formation, restriction of movement in the glenohumeral joint capsule, ligaments, tendons, and muscle. The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint and the complex structure of the upper limb, surrounded by a strong fibrous membrane called the joint capsule, tendons, cartilage, ligament, nerve, synovial fluid, with a group of muscles patchy, fibrinous synovitis, capsular contraction and fibrinous adhesions, fibrotic with inflammatory contracture of the rotator muscle and pain is usually constant, worse at night, and with cold weather.
Types of Adhesive Capsulitis
Frozen shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis can be either
- Primary (idiopathic)Adhesive Capsulitis – It is a kind of frozen shoulder that is caused are unknown, and it basically occurs in a late stage of life and diabetics work as primary frozen shoulder.
- Secondary Adhesive Capsulitis – It is defined as that associated with blunt trauma, accident, rotator cuff disease, and shoulder impingement; cardiovascular disease; osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, hemiparesis, etc.
Three phases of clinical presentation
- Painful freezing phase – The duration 10-36 weeks. Pain and stiffness around the shoulder joints are the first symptoms with no history of injury. Acute pain or nagging constant pain is worse at night and morning stiffness with little response to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and oral steroids.
- Adhesive phase – The duration and occurs at 4-12 months. The pain gradually subsides but the stiffness remains and ongoing progress. Pain is the main symptom only at the extremes of movement. Gross reduction of glenohumeral movements, with near-total obliteration of external rotation, may feel pain.
- Resolution phase – The duration and takes 12-42 months. It is followed by the adhesive phase or recovery freezing phase with spontaneous improvement in the range of movement and pain-free condition. The mean duration from onset of frozen shoulder to the greatest resolution is over 30 months and more.
Causes of Adhesive Capsulitis
Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is included bony growths, wear and tear, and calcium deposits in the supraspinatus tendon that may cause frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. Other causes include an inflamed fluid-filled sac or a hooked formation in the acromion process, in where the tip of the shoulder blade curves down more than usual to lead to frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. Sometimes ligaments and tendons in the joint capsule become shorter due to weak muscles or putting abnormal strain on the muscle’s power.
All of these things can cause parts of the shoulder tendons (“rotator cuff tendons”) and the fluid-filled sac called the bursa to become pinched between the acromion and the head of the upper arm bone humerus when you lift your arm.
Subacromial pathology and rotator cuff tendinopathy
Post-stroke shoulder subluxation
Referred pain (cervical spine or malignancy, e.g., Pancoast tumor)
- Tumors,
- Acromioclavicular and glenohumeral osteoarthritis
Diabetes mellitus
Subacromial fibrosis
Proliferative synovitis
Capsular thickening
Thyroid disorder
Shoulder injury
Dupuytren disease
Parkinson disease
Cervical radiculopathy
Calcifying tendinitis/synovitis
Rotator cuff impingement
Polymyalgia rheumatica
Shoulder impingement syndrome
Residual shoulder pain or stiffness
Humeral fracture
Rupture of the biceps and subscapularis tendons
Complex regional pain syndrome
Symptoms of Adhesive Capsulitis
- The first symptom of frozen shoulder is pain and progressive stiffness, limited range of motion, fibrous tissue formation, restriction of movement in the glenohumeral joint capsule, ligaments, tendons, and muscle.
- The second symptom of a frozen shoulder is impossible to get dressed up and out, cooking, clean, reach a back pocket, or shift gears while driving a car, putting the arm up and back.
- A feeling of pain and tightness in the whole shoulder area.
- A feeling of tightness especially when you are throwing a ball overarm in cricket-playing, golf
- Decrease range of motion is lost in the following direction such as external rotation, abduction, internal rotation, forward flexion.
- Pain on the back and decrease the range of motion.
- Dull, aching pain with paresthesia, itching, numbness
- The referred pain and may felt in whole shoulder joints to the arms, forearms
- The sleep disturbance and the problem with deprivation
- Severe sharp pain and with rapid movement (eg. trying to catch mobile phone)
- The difficulty with activities of daily living such as dressing, driving, and personal care.
- Lack of movement in all directions of your hand
- Symptoms will worsen at night and morning stiffness may be felt.
- Muscle contraction of the coracohumeral ligament limits external rotation of the arm and forearms
- Muscle contracture and tendinopathy and capsulitis may be felt.
- Dull” or “deep-seated pain in the rotator cuff muscle and spread into the biceps muscles.
Diagnosis of Adhesive Capsulitis
To find out what’s causing the symptoms, the doctor will ask questions like
when the pain occurs and how it feels,
whether there was an injury or accident, and
whether it could have been caused by things like overhead work or certain types of sports.
The physical examination that follows includes several tests that involve lifting and lowering your arms sideways, and moving your elbows in various directions, inwards or outwards. The doctor will also feel your shoulder. This is usually enough to diagnose subacromial pain. During the physical examination, your doctor can also rule out other possible causes of the pain, such as radiating neck pain or frozen shoulder adhesive capsulitis, or others.
- Look – On inspection, the arm is held by the side in adduction and internal rotation. Mild disuse atrophy of the deltoid and supraspinatus may be present. It is done manually.
- Feel – On the palpation, there is diffuse tenderness that may be felt over the glenohumeral joint, and this may extend to the trapezius and interscapular area to attempted splinting of the painful shoulder and stiffness present or not
- Movement – In the case of a true frozen shoulder there is an almost complete loss of external rotation movement. This is the pathophysiology sign of a frozen shoulder.[rx,rx] It also confirming that external rotation is impossible in the frozen shoulder with active and passive movements is important. In a frozen shoulder, all other movements of the joint are reduced, and if movement occurs this usually comes from the thoracic and scapular joint.
- Neer test – The neer impingement test is a manual test designed to reproduce symptoms of rotator cuff impingement through flexing the shoulder and pressure application. The symptoms should be reproduced if there is a problem with the supraspinatus or biceps brachii muscle. This test is also associated with the Hawkins-Kennedy Test.
- Jobe’s Test – Jobe’s test is a physical exam test that is used to detect anterior shoulder instability. It is used to distinguish between anterior part instability and primary shoulder impingement. This test should be performed after the Apprehension test. This test was named for Christopher Jobe.
- Hawkins tests – This test is commonly used to identify possible subacromial impingement syndrome. The examiner or your doctor places the patient’s arm shoulder in 90 degrees of shoulder flexion position with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees position and then internally rotates the arm. The test is considered to be positive if the patient experiences pain with internal rotation.[rx]
- The injection test – can be performed if a clinician is uncertain of causes of shoulder pain based on history and exam. The subacromial space is injected with an anesthetic, typically 5 ml of 1% lidocaine. In patients with adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder, the ROM limitations and pain will persist after the injection. In patients with subacromial pathology, rotator cuff tendinopathy, or subacromial bursitis, tendinitis will show an improvement of pain and improved range of motion the test is positive.
Lab Tests
- Laboratory tests – Leukocytosis is one of the most important tests for frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis that supports the possibility of infection and bone-related disease. Blood cultures, urine examination, stool examination, or other possible primary symptoms of frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis, a bone infection that obligatory when a septic infectious frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is being considered for examination. The and elevated inflammatory condition markers like ESR or CRP include suggesting an infectious or inflammatory disease condition of the tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis and elbow upper side pain.
- A serum uric acid level – It is often considered by clinicians and doctors when got frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis, tendonitis is suspected, but it is not a reliable and dangerous condition as it may be spuriously elevated or high in acute inflammatory conditions or acutely during a or not.
- Random blood glucose – The reference values for a normal random glucose test in an average adult are 80–140mg/dl (4.4–7.8 mmol/l), between 140-200mg/dl (7.8–11.1 mmol/l) is considered pre-diabetes, and ≥ 200 mg/dl is considered diabetes according to ADA guidelines you should visit your doctor or a clinic for additional tests to over sure.
- Ultrasound – It is basically done to investigate the thickness of the fascia, ligament injury with a frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis are likely to have a thickened tendon with the associated fluid collection and that thickness values >4.0 mm that are the diagnostic of in frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis [rx]
- Musculoskeletal ultrasound – It can further visualize the tendon and bony attachment of the thigh sites, muscles, ligaments, and nerves. Ultrasound can also be used to identify the area and extent, nature of the injury frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis and used to evaluate periodically during the recovery phase. The most common findings on ultrasound are focal, fluid, tenosynovitis changes in the common flexor tendon position, how much thickening of the tendon sheath, partial or full-thickness tears, and tear of the tendon.[rx][rx] Ultrasound did for dynamic imaging studies, which can provide the additional benefit in regards to evaluation for frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis
- Muscle Biopsy – Muscle biopsy is basically done to investigate abnormal congenital problems such as dutchmen muscular dystrophy, myasthenia graves, hemophilia, etc. A small part of the cell or tissue is collected from the thigh and send to investigate other abnormalities.
- X-Ray – Conventional x-ray and radiography is the most widely used imaging modality and allows for the detection of bone fractures, osteoporosis, and abnormal pathologies condition like fracture, osteoporosis, erosions, osteonecrosis, osteoarthritis, or a juxta-articular bone tumor, neoplasm, and frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. Characteristic features of frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis include marginal osteophytes formation in shoulder joint space gradually narrowing, subchondral sclerosis formation in the frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis
- CT Scan – High contrast CT scan is more effective to diagnose procedure to investigate the frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. Abnormal tendon, ligament, cartilage, muscle and osteophyte, synovial fluid. It also helps to identify the bone tumor, necrosis, abnormal joint condition, etc.
- MRI – It is called magnetic radical imaging is also helpful to find the bone conditions, abnormal tendon, ligament, cartilage, muscle and osteophyte, synovial fluid. It also helps to identify the bone tumor, necrosis, abnormal joint condition, frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis. It is the final stage test to confirm that all frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis or any other abnormality suspected others condition forearms pain, such as shoulder impigmentation, soft tissue injury and bone tumors, osteonecrosis, osteomyelitis, arthritis, and stress fracture.[rx,rx]
- Bone scintigraphy – It is the most important test to diagnose bone cancer, neoplasm, fractures, necrosis of bone, and joints. It also helps to identify the tendon, sprained ligament, cartilage, muscle spasm, sprain, and strain with a frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis
- Nerve Conduction velocity test – It a special test for leg pain or thigh pain. It is the procedure where test the sensation of the peripheral nerve stimuli to send the central nervous system means brain. It helps to identify the sensory and motor nervous system problem from the central to the peripheral cell.
Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis
Non-pharmacological treatment
- Physiotherapy – It is one of the most common and effective non-pharmacological treatments in the world. It has a variety of treatment module to erase acute and chronic pain. It is especially helpful in muscle spasticity, spasms related to tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis, and elbows upper side pain front side and backside pain. Inflammatory and noninflammatory pain is treated by ultrasound therapy, MRI, Shortwave, microwave, wax therapy, IRR, laser therapy, interferential current therapy, iontophoresis, short-wave diathermy (SWD), and pulsed short-wave diathermy (PSWD). Some studies have reported good outcomes with physiotherapy regimes of stretching and strengthening, with more favorable results than rest and reduced activity at short-term follow-up.[rx]
- Deep transverse friction massage – AIt is a special type of massage technique called transverse friction massage is often used in the frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis patients. It is applied to the tendons and the muscles, using the tips of one or two fingers to heal frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis.
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) – It is called TENS devices that help to transfer electrical impulses that are helpful for the treatment of frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. These are supposed to keep the pain signals from reaching the brain by blocking pain message signals and increase the secretion of endorphins that are the body’s natural pain killar.
- Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) – It is a physiotherapy device that generates shock or pressure waves that are transferred to the tissue through the skin for healing frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. This is case assumed that to improve the circulation of blood in the tissue and speed up the healing process of frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis.
- Eccentric exercises – It is partial help to healing tendons that are the mainstays of physiotherapy regimes. A stable shoulder and scapula function and strength are necessary for correct shoulder functioning; strengthening exercises of the scapular stabilizers that are including the lower trapezius, serratus anterior, and rotator cuff muscles.
- Percutaneous radiofrequency thermal treatment – A radiofrequency electrode pad is attached percutaneously under an ultrasound guideline which produces a thermal effect in the injured frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis when activated, inducing visual microanatomy and removing all pathological injured tissue. Good outcomes have been reported, and no reduction in tendon size has been observed in this case.[rx]
- Acupuncture – It is the China-oriented acute and chronic treatment system where are needle is used to stimulate the pain receptor to reduce pain. It is also helpful in some spasticity formation pain, stroke, hemiplegia, and chronic rheumatoid arthritis pain in the hand, and tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis, and frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis.
- Extracorporeal shock-wave therapy (ECSW) – It has been proposed as an alternative to non-operative management for frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. It worked by the generator of specific frequency sound waves that are applied directly onto the overlying skin of the frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis tendon.
- The use of low-level laser therapy – It has been proposed due to the stimulating effect of laser on collagen or types 2 collagen production in tendons to increase the healing of frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. Although laser was not initially viewed as particularly useful among frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis therapies, a recent study has to indicate some short-term benefits when using an adequate dose and wavelength.[rx]
Armpit stretch – It is done with the support of your healthy arm, lift the arm with the frozen shoulder upper direction, and rest arms on a surface at about chest level. In this position, gradually or slowly bend your knee joints so that your armpit opens up and you can feel it stretching. Then stand up straight again.
External rotation stretch – It is a manual test perform by standing in a doorframe with the affected arm placed out to the side of your body, and the elbow joints bent at a 90-degree angle so that your forearm places is parallel to the floor. Keep the upper arm at your side. Then place the palm of your hand on the doorframe to stop the arm from moving. Now turn your upper body away from the arm to stretch the shoulder. It can be done with the supervision of a physiotherapist
Internal rotation stretch – In this case, patients stand with their back to the doorframe. Place the back of your hand on the affected side against your bottom so that your arm is at a slight angle. Now lean the back of that elbow against the doorframe gently “trapping” your elbow to keep it in place and turn your upper body slightly inward towards the arm. If feels pain the
- Manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) – In this treatment in which the shoulder is freed by rotation while the patient is under short general or local anesthesia. This is usually a day procedure treatment system and generally lasts a maximum of 15 minutes including anesthetic time. There is an increased chance of the risk of homers fractures.
- Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) – It involves the exposure of extreme cold to the unclothed body in a chamber that circulates very cold air that is maintained between –110 ℃ to –140 ℃ for 2 minutes to 3 minutes. WBC is assumed to provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects to the body.[rx]
- Diet – Diet may be normal or according to the doctor mentions food you can take for you, such as papaya, banana, potato, nut cereal, seasonal fruits, and drink of water. In your daily routine meal must have magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, folate, vitamin B complex, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, etc.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – It is considered to be the fast-acting nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as including acetylsalicylate, aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and etodolac, ketorolac in pain is acute. NSAIDs drugs work by inhibiting cyclo-oxygenase enzyme to prevent the synthesis of prostaglandins, prostacyclin, and thromboxanes. It has also some side effects of aspirin at high doses when used are including tinnitus, hearing loss, and gastric intolerance.[rx]
- Nerve relaxant – It is basically used to reduce neuropathic pain, inflammation, nerve root entrapment, myalgia, neuralgia, and fibromyalgia, and frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. Your doctor may prescribe gabapentin, pregabalin, vitamin B1, B6, B12, etc. Major side effects are abdominal pain, nausea- vomiting.
- Vitamin B1, B6, and B12 – It is essential for neuropathic pain management, pernicious anemia, tennis elbow, with vitamin b complex deficiency pain, paresthesia, numbness, itching with diabetic neuropathy pain, myalgia, frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis, etc. A side effect may be nausea- vomiting, abdominal pain, cramping [rx]
- Topical diclofenac, camphor, menthol, and nitroglycerin – or glyceryl trinitrate has shown short-term benefits in the frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis but overall results for treatment for tendinopathy or lateral epicondylitis and tennis elbow have been mixed depending on the site of application.[rx]
Oral corticosteroids – These provide short-term pain relief for improved range of motion and function. The benefits often do not last longer than a few weeks, and the result is excellent for the treatment of frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. Oral medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and oral steroids can be used at the same time. Although the use of oral steroids has some limitations and is described in the literature they are not a commonly used interventional treatment in the UK. Major side effects are increase metabolism, muscle cramp, abdominal pain, electrolyte imbalance, etc.[rx]
Intra-articular steroid injections – In frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis treatment the intraarticular steroid such as methylprednisolone, and triamcinolone injections have been shown to improve function more quickly, decrease pain, and increase range of motion. Often patients who receiving injections early in the frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis course are more likely to obtain a benefit. Multiple injections can be given to provide symptomatic relief permanently.[rx] Major side effects are increase metabolism, muscle cramp, abdominal pain, electrolyte imbalance, etc.[rx]
Hydrosilation or Arthrographic distension – In this treatment modality, the joint is injected with saline and steroid to dilate the glenohumeral capsule, tendons, ligament, or in which increased and dilatated of the joint capsule with sterile saline or other solution such as local anesthetic or steroid are used at the same time in supervision or guided by radiological imaging such as arthrography. This has been shown to reduce pain and improve range of motion and function in the short term. [rx]
- Suprascapular nerve blocks – It is another treatment procedure that may be beneficial in terms of pain relief but not a movement or increase range of motion of shoulder joints, and repeated joint distension may improve movement.[rx][rx]
- Sodium hyaluronate injection – A small number of diverse studies have found that sodium hyaluronate injection in the frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is very effective that helps to control pain and increase range of motion. It may have a high risk of bias, provide insufficient evidence to make conclusions about the effectiveness of sodium hyaluronate in the treatment of the frozen shoulder.[rx]–[rx]
- Calcitonin – It is a kind of polypeptide hormone secreted from parafollicular cells of the thyroid. It plays a significant role in managing rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, complex regional pain syndrome, fracture, frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis, and metastasis of the bone tumor.[rx,rx] And it is also thought to decrease the systemic inflammatory response and stimulate the release of endorphins that are the natural pain killer in the body.[rx]
- Extra-articular collagenase injection – It is pushed into the anterior shoulder capsule midway between the bicipital groove and coracoid at the maximal external rotation in the supervision of the endoscopy procedure. It shows excellent results in an improved functional score, shoulder motion, and pain compared to injection of placebo (0.9% saline/2 mM CaCl2). Patients also benefited from subsequent injections. Side effects include tenderness and ecchymosis at the injection sites, which resolved between 7 and 14 days.[rx] MRI obtained or done 3 months after collagenase injection pushing to be sure to the clinically significant injuries to the rotator cuff or surrounding structures of shoulder joints.[rx]
The surgical treatment is the final stage of treatment of frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. The surgical treatment is done when the conservative and manual with medicinal treatment are failed. The surgical treatment is following
- Arthroscopic Capsular Release – It is done due to complications of MUA and advances in arthroscopic techniques with ACR has become the most frequently used surgical intervention that was previously shown to confirm and lasting long-term improvements in symptoms of frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis.[rx] ACR also allows for visual confirmation of the diagnosis of frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis as well as the ability to treat concomitant intra-articular and subacromial diseases condition that may be contributing to the primary cause of the problem for frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis.[rx]
- Arthroscopic capsulotomy – Arthroscopic capsular release is an effective and safe method for the treatment of adhesive shoulder capsulitis.[rx–rx] Arthroscopic capsulotomy has two key advantages for the patient’s frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. First, diagnostic arthroscopy confirms the diagnosis and rules out other potential causes of a painful stiff shoulder joint. Second, compared to hydrogenation, it allows for direct visualization of the tightened tendons, ligament, cartilage, thickened rotator cuff muscle, and contracted capsule to ensure adequate release. The standard arthroscopic capsulotomy is anteroinferior capsular release is the most popular and reliable surgical procedure. On the other hand, the utility of posterior capsular release or extended capsular release remains controversial.[rx–rx].
- Open capsulotomy – An open capsulotomy is rarely performed for recalcitrant adhesive shoulder capsulitis abnormalities because arthroscopic capsular release results in smaller surgical wounds and shorter postoperative recovery and superior to patient satisfaction. The open procedure remains an option when an arthroscopic capsular release has failed in improving pain and range of motion for adhesive capsulitis. The release of the capsule and rotator cuff interval has been found to restore motion and improve pain management.[rx]
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To the Administrator.
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Eyeballs don’t pay the bills.
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It’s like they never were even there.
You can fix this.
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Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that sits on your site, ready and waiting to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know immediately – so you can talk to that lead immediately… without delay… BEFORE they head for those hills.
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Now it’s also true that when reaching out to hot leads, you MUST act fast – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later is huge – like 100 times better!
That’s what makes our new SMS Text With Lead feature so powerful… you’ve got their phone number, so now you can start a text message (SMS) conversation with them… so even if they don’t take you up on your offer right away, you continue to text them new offers, new content, and new reasons to do business with you.
This could change everything for you and your business.
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Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
And once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… and if they don’t take you up on your offer then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
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The difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour means you could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
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Dear Admin!
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– Bottom line – you got an eyeball, but nothing else to show for it.
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This isn’t really your fault – it happens a LOT – studies show 7 out of 10 visitors to any site disappear without leaving a trace.
But you CAN fix that.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know right then and there – enabling you to call that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
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Plus, now that you have their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… so even if you don’t close a deal then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
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Research tells us at least 70% of the people who find your site, after a quick once-over, they disappear… forever.
That means that all the work and effort you put into getting them to show up, goes down the tubes.
Why would you want all that good work – and the great site you’ve built – go to waste?
Because the odds are they’ll just skip over calling or even grabbing their phone, leaving you high and dry.
But here’s a thought… what if you could make it super-simple for someone to raise their hand, say, “okay, let’s talk” without requiring them to even pull their cell phone from their pocket?
You can – thanks to revolutionary new software that can literally make that first call happen NOW.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that sits on your site, ready and waiting to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re still there at your site.
You know, strike when the iron’s hot!
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
When targeting leads, you HAVE to act fast – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later is huge – like 100 times better!
That’s why you should check out our new SMS Text With Lead feature as well… once you’ve captured the phone number of the website visitor, you can automatically kick off a text message (SMS) conversation with them.
Imagine how powerful this could be – even if they don’t take you up on your offer immediately, you can stay in touch with them using text messages to make new offers, provide links to great content, and build your credibility.
Just this alone could be a game changer to make your website even more effective.
Strike when the iron’s hot!
CLICK HERE to learn more about everything Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business – you’ll be amazed.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – you could be converting up to 100x more leads immediately!
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Stop wasting money chasing eyeballs that don’t turn into paying customers.
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To the Admin.
Cool website!
My name’s Eric, and I just found your site – – while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool.
But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone like me stumbles across, what usually happens?
Is your site generating leads for your business?
I’m guessing some, but I also bet you’d like more… studies show that 7 out 10 who land on a site wind up leaving without a trace.
Not good.
Here’s a thought – what if there was an easy way for every visitor to “raise their hand” to get a phone call from you INSTANTLY… the second they hit your site and said, “call me now.”
You can –
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better!
That’s why we built out our new SMS Text With Lead feature… because once you’ve captured the visitor’s phone number, you can automatically start a text message (SMS) conversation.
Think about the possibilities – even if you don’t close a deal then and there, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
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Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to TALK with them – literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site.
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Plus, now that you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation pronto… which is so powerful, because connecting with someone within the first 5 minutes is 100 times more effective than waiting 30 minutes or more later.
The new text messaging feature lets you follow up regularly with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship.
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Dear Owner!
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Looks great… but now what?
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Honestly, most business websites fall a bit short when it comes to generating paying customers. Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors disappear and are gone forever after just a moment.
Here’s an idea…
How about making it really EASY for every visitor who shows up to get a personal phone call you as soon as they hit your site…
You can –
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
You’ll be amazed – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour or more later could increase your results 100-fold.
It gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation.
That way, even if you don’t close a deal right away, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
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CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
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Eyeballs don’t pay the bills.
And studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors to a site like will drop by, take a gander, and then head for the hills without doing anything else.
It’s like they never were even there.
You can fix this.
You can make it super-simple for them to raise their hand, say, “okay, let’s talk” without requiring them to even pull their cell phone from their pocket… thanks to Web Visitors Into Leads.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that sits on your site, ready and waiting to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know immediately – so you can talk to that lead immediately… without delay… BEFORE they head for those hills.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Now it’s also true that when reaching out to hot leads, you MUST act fast – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later is huge – like 100 times better!
That’s what makes our new SMS Text With Lead feature so powerful… you’ve got their phone number, so now you can start a text message (SMS) conversation with them… so even if they don’t take you up on your offer right away, you continue to text them new offers, new content, and new reasons to do business with you.
This could change everything for you and your business.
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PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – you could be converting up to 100x more leads immediately!
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Hello Administrator.
My name is Eric and unlike a lot of emails you might get, I wanted to instead provide you with a word of encouragement – Congratulations
What for?
Part of my job is to check out websites and the work you’ve done with definitely stands out.
It’s clear you took building a website seriously and made a real investment of time and resources into making it top quality.
There is, however, a catch… more accurately, a question…
So when someone like me happens to find your site – maybe at the top of the search results (nice job BTW) or just through a random link, how do you know?
More importantly, how do you make a connection with that person?
Studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors don’t stick around – they’re there one second and then gone with the wind.
Here’s a way to create INSTANT engagement that you may not have known about…
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know INSTANTLY that they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally checking out
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
It could be a game-changer for your business – and it gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately (and there’s literally a 100X difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes.)
Plus then, even if you don’t close a deal right away, you can connect later on with text messages for new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship.
Everything I’ve just described is simple, easy, and effective.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
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Dear Owner!
Eric here with a quick thought about your website…
I’m on the internet a lot and I look at a lot of business websites.
Like yours, many of them have great content.
But all too often, they come up short when it comes to engaging and connecting with anyone who visits.
I get it – it’s hard. Studies show 7 out of 10 people who land on a site, abandon it in moments without leaving even a trace. You got the eyeball, but nothing else.
Here’s a solution for you…
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to talk with them literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
It could be huge for your business – and because you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately… and contacting someone in that 5 minute window is 100 times more powerful than reaching out 30 minutes or more later.
Plus, with text messaging you can follow up later with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to keep the conversation going.
Everything I’ve just described is extremely simple to implement, cost-effective, and profitable.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more eyeballs into leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
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Dear Administrator!
Cool website!
My name’s Eric, and I just found your site – – while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool.
But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone like me stumbles across, what usually happens?
Is your site generating leads for your business?
I’m guessing some, but I also bet you’d like more… studies show that 7 out 10 who land on a site wind up leaving without a trace.
Not good.
Here’s a thought – what if there was an easy way for every visitor to “raise their hand” to get a phone call from you INSTANTLY… the second they hit your site and said, “call me now.”
You can –
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better!
That’s why we built out our new SMS Text With Lead feature… because once you’ve captured the visitor’s phone number, you can automatically start a text message (SMS) conversation.
Think about the possibilities – even if you don’t close a deal then and there, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
Wouldn’t that be cool?
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
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Dear Owner!
My name’s Eric and I just came across your website – – in the search results.
Here’s what that means to me…
Your SEO’s working.
You’re getting eyeballs – mine at least.
Your content’s pretty good, wouldn’t change a thing.
Eyeballs don’t pay the bills.
And studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors to a site like will drop by, take a gander, and then head for the hills without doing anything else.
It’s like they never were even there.
You can fix this.
You can make it super-simple for them to raise their hand, say, “okay, let’s talk” without requiring them to even pull their cell phone from their pocket… thanks to Web Visitors Into Leads.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that sits on your site, ready and waiting to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know immediately – so you can talk to that lead immediately… without delay… BEFORE they head for those hills.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Now it’s also true that when reaching out to hot leads, you MUST act fast – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later is huge – like 100 times better!
That’s what makes our new SMS Text With Lead feature so powerful… you’ve got their phone number, so now you can start a text message (SMS) conversation with them… so even if they don’t take you up on your offer right away, you continue to text them new offers, new content, and new reasons to do business with you.
This could change everything for you and your business.
CLICK HERE to learn more about everything Web Visitors Into Leads can do and start turing eyeballs into money.
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – you could be converting up to 100x more leads immediately!
It even includes International Long Distance Calling.
Paying customers are out there waiting.
Starting connecting today by CLICKING HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
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Hi Webmaster.
Eric here with a quick thought about your website…
I’m on the internet a lot and I look at a lot of business websites.
Like yours, many of them have great content.
But all too often, they come up short when it comes to engaging and connecting with anyone who visits.
I get it – it’s hard. Studies show 7 out of 10 people who land on a site, abandon it in moments without leaving even a trace. You got the eyeball, but nothing else.
Here’s a solution for you…
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to talk with them literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
It could be huge for your business – and because you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately… and contacting someone in that 5 minute window is 100 times more powerful than reaching out 30 minutes or more later.
Plus, with text messaging you can follow up later with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to keep the conversation going.
Everything I’ve just described is extremely simple to implement, cost-effective, and profitable.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more eyeballs into leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
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Hi Administrator!
My name’s Eric and I just ran across your website at…
I found it after a quick search, so your SEO’s working out…
Content looks pretty good…
One thing’s missing though…
A QUICK, EASY way to connect with you NOW.
Because studies show that a web lead like me will only hang out a few seconds – 7 out of 10 disappear almost instantly, Surf Surf Surf… then gone forever.
I have the solution:
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to TALK with them – literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works and even give it a try… it could be huge for your business.
Plus, now that you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation pronto… which is so powerful, because connecting with someone within the first 5 minutes is 100 times more effective than waiting 30 minutes or more later.
The new text messaging feature lets you follow up regularly with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship.
Everything I’ve just described is extremely simple to implement, cost-effective, and profitable.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business, potentially converting up to 100X more eyeballs into leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
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Dear Webmaster! my name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this…
– Someone does a search and winds up at
– They hang out for a minute to check it out. “I’m interested… but… maybe…”
– And then they hit the back button and check out the other search results instead.
– Bottom line – you got an eyeball, but nothing else to show for it.
– There they go.
This isn’t really your fault – it happens a LOT – studies show 7 out of 10 visitors to any site disappear without leaving a trace.
But you CAN fix that.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know right then and there – enabling you to call that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better!
Plus, now that you have their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… so even if you don’t close a deal then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
Strong stuff.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
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To the Administrator! Eric here with a quick thought about your website…
I’m on the internet a lot and I look at a lot of business websites.
Like yours, many of them have great content.
But all too often, they come up short when it comes to engaging and connecting with anyone who visits.
I get it – it’s hard. Studies show 7 out of 10 people who land on a site, abandon it in moments without leaving even a trace. You got the eyeball, but nothing else.
Here’s a solution for you…
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to talk with them literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
It could be huge for your business – and because you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately… and contacting someone in that 5 minute window is 100 times more powerful than reaching out 30 minutes or more later.
Plus, with text messaging you can follow up later with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to keep the conversation going.
Everything I’ve just described is extremely simple to implement, cost-effective, and profitable.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more eyeballs into leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
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Hello Owner!
My name is Eric and unlike a lot of emails you might get, I wanted to instead provide you with a word of encouragement – Congratulations
What for?
Part of my job is to check out websites and the work you’ve done with definitely stands out.
It’s clear you took building a website seriously and made a real investment of time and resources into making it top quality.
There is, however, a catch… more accurately, a question…
So when someone like me happens to find your site – maybe at the top of the search results (nice job BTW) or just through a random link, how do you know?
More importantly, how do you make a connection with that person?
Studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors don’t stick around – they’re there one second and then gone with the wind.
Here’s a way to create INSTANT engagement that you may not have known about…
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know INSTANTLY that they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally checking out
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
It could be a game-changer for your business – and it gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately (and there’s literally a 100X difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes.)
Plus then, even if you don’t close a deal right away, you can connect later on with text messages for new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship.
Everything I’ve just described is simple, easy, and effective.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
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Hi Owner.
My name is Eric and unlike a lot of emails you might get, I wanted to instead provide you with a word of encouragement – Congratulations
What for?
Part of my job is to check out websites and the work you’ve done with definitely stands out.
It’s clear you took building a website seriously and made a real investment of time and resources into making it top quality.
There is, however, a catch… more accurately, a question…
So when someone like me happens to find your site – maybe at the top of the search results (nice job BTW) or just through a random link, how do you know?
More importantly, how do you make a connection with that person?
Studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors don’t stick around – they’re there one second and then gone with the wind.
Here’s a way to create INSTANT engagement that you may not have known about…
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know INSTANTLY that they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally checking out
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
It could be a game-changer for your business – and it gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately (and there’s literally a 100X difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes.)
Plus then, even if you don’t close a deal right away, you can connect later on with text messages for new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship.
Everything I’ve just described is simple, easy, and effective.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
To the Owner.
My name’s Eric and I just found your site
It’s got a lot going for it, but here’s an idea to make it even MORE effective.
Web Visitors Into Leads – CLICK HERE for a live demo now.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
And once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… and if they don’t take you up on your offer then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
The difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour means you could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors disappear and are gone forever after just a moment. Don’t keep losing them.
Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
Dear Owner. I just found your site, quick question…
My name’s Eric, I found after doing a quick search – you showed up near the top of the rankings, so whatever you’re doing for SEO, looks like it’s working well.
So here’s my question – what happens AFTER someone lands on your site? Anything?
Research tells us at least 70% of the people who find your site, after a quick once-over, they disappear… forever.
That means that all the work and effort you put into getting them to show up, goes down the tubes.
Why would you want all that good work – and the great site you’ve built – go to waste?
Because the odds are they’ll just skip over calling or even grabbing their phone, leaving you high and dry.
But here’s a thought… what if you could make it super-simple for someone to raise their hand, say, “okay, let’s talk” without requiring them to even pull their cell phone from their pocket?
You can – thanks to revolutionary new software that can literally make that first call happen NOW.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that sits on your site, ready and waiting to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re still there at your site.
You know, strike when the iron’s hot!
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
When targeting leads, you HAVE to act fast – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later is huge – like 100 times better!
That’s why you should check out our new SMS Text With Lead feature as well… once you’ve captured the phone number of the website visitor, you can automatically kick off a text message (SMS) conversation with them.
Imagine how powerful this could be – even if they don’t take you up on your offer immediately, you can stay in touch with them using text messages to make new offers, provide links to great content, and build your credibility.
Just this alone could be a game changer to make your website even more effective.
Strike when the iron’s hot!
CLICK HERE to learn more about everything Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business – you’ll be amazed.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – you could be converting up to 100x more leads immediately!
It even includes International Long Distance Calling.
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Honestly, most business websites fall a bit short when it comes to generating paying customers. Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors disappear and are gone forever after just a moment.
Here’s an idea…
How about making it really EASY for every visitor who shows up to get a personal phone call you as soon as they hit your site…
You can –
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
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You’ll be amazed – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour or more later could increase your results 100-fold.
It gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation.
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Because studies show that a web lead like me will only hang out a few seconds – 7 out of 10 disappear almost instantly, Surf Surf Surf… then gone forever.
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Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to TALK with them – literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site.
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Plus, now that you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation pronto… which is so powerful, because connecting with someone within the first 5 minutes is 100 times more effective than waiting 30 minutes or more later.
The new text messaging feature lets you follow up regularly with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship.
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Hello Webmaster! this is Eric and I ran across a few minutes ago.
Looks great… but now what?
By that I mean, when someone like me finds your website – either through Search or just bouncing around – what happens next? Do you get a lot of leads from your site, or at least enough to make you happy?
Honestly, most business websites fall a bit short when it comes to generating paying customers. Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors disappear and are gone forever after just a moment.
Here’s an idea…
How about making it really EASY for every visitor who shows up to get a personal phone call you as soon as they hit your site…
You can –
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
You’ll be amazed – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour or more later could increase your results 100-fold.
It gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation.
That way, even if you don’t close a deal right away, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
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CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
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Hi Owner!
My name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this…
– Someone does a search and winds up at
– They hang out for a minute to check it out. “I’m interested… but… maybe…”
– And then they hit the back button and check out the other search results instead.
– Bottom line – you got an eyeball, but nothing else to show for it.
– There they go.
This isn’t really your fault – it happens a LOT – studies show 7 out of 10 visitors to any site disappear without leaving a trace.
But you CAN fix that.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know right then and there – enabling you to call that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better!
Plus, now that you have their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… so even if you don’t close a deal then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
Strong stuff.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
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Hi Administrator! I just found your site, quick question…
My name’s Eric, I found after doing a quick search – you showed up near the top of the rankings, so whatever you’re doing for SEO, looks like it’s working well.
So here’s my question – what happens AFTER someone lands on your site? Anything?
Research tells us at least 70% of the people who find your site, after a quick once-over, they disappear… forever.
That means that all the work and effort you put into getting them to show up, goes down the tubes.
Why would you want all that good work – and the great site you’ve built – go to waste?
Because the odds are they’ll just skip over calling or even grabbing their phone, leaving you high and dry.
But here’s a thought… what if you could make it super-simple for someone to raise their hand, say, “okay, let’s talk” without requiring them to even pull their cell phone from their pocket?
You can – thanks to revolutionary new software that can literally make that first call happen NOW.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that sits on your site, ready and waiting to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re still there at your site.
You know, strike when the iron’s hot!
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
When targeting leads, you HAVE to act fast – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later is huge – like 100 times better!
That’s why you should check out our new SMS Text With Lead feature as well… once you’ve captured the phone number of the website visitor, you can automatically kick off a text message (SMS) conversation with them.
Imagine how powerful this could be – even if they don’t take you up on your offer immediately, you can stay in touch with them using text messages to make new offers, provide links to great content, and build your credibility.
Just this alone could be a game changer to make your website even more effective.
Strike when the iron’s hot!
CLICK HERE to learn more about everything Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business – you’ll be amazed.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – you could be converting up to 100x more leads immediately!
It even includes International Long Distance Calling.
Stop wasting money chasing eyeballs that don’t turn into paying customers.
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Hello Admin!
My name’s Eric and I just found your site
It’s got a lot going for it, but here’s an idea to make it even MORE effective.
Web Visitors Into Leads – CLICK HERE for a live demo now.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
And once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… and if they don’t take you up on your offer then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
The difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour means you could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors disappear and are gone forever after just a moment. Don’t keep losing them.
Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
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Hello Owner! this is Eric and I ran across a few minutes ago.
Looks great… but now what?
By that I mean, when someone like me finds your website – either through Search or just bouncing around – what happens next? Do you get a lot of leads from your site, or at least enough to make you happy?
Honestly, most business websites fall a bit short when it comes to generating paying customers. Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors disappear and are gone forever after just a moment.
Here’s an idea…
How about making it really EASY for every visitor who shows up to get a personal phone call you as soon as they hit your site…
You can –
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
You’ll be amazed – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour or more later could increase your results 100-fold.
It gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation.
That way, even if you don’t close a deal right away, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
Pretty sweet – AND effective.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
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Dear Owner.
My name is Eric and unlike a lot of emails you might get, I wanted to instead provide you with a word of encouragement – Congratulations
What for?
Part of my job is to check out websites and the work you’ve done with definitely stands out.
It’s clear you took building a website seriously and made a real investment of time and resources into making it top quality.
There is, however, a catch… more accurately, a question…
So when someone like me happens to find your site – maybe at the top of the search results (nice job BTW) or just through a random link, how do you know?
More importantly, how do you make a connection with that person?
Studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors don’t stick around – they’re there one second and then gone with the wind.
Here’s a way to create INSTANT engagement that you may not have known about…
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know INSTANTLY that they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally checking out
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
It could be a game-changer for your business – and it gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately (and there’s literally a 100X difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes.)
Plus then, even if you don’t close a deal right away, you can connect later on with text messages for new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship.
Everything I’ve just described is simple, easy, and effective.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
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To the Owner.
This is Eric and I ran across a few minutes ago.
Looks great… but now what?
By that I mean, when someone like me finds your website – either through Search or just bouncing around – what happens next? Do you get a lot of leads from your site, or at least enough to make you happy?
Honestly, most business websites fall a bit short when it comes to generating paying customers. Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors disappear and are gone forever after just a moment.
Here’s an idea…
How about making it really EASY for every visitor who shows up to get a personal phone call you as soon as they hit your site…
You can –
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
You’ll be amazed – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour or more later could increase your results 100-fold.
It gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation.
That way, even if you don’t close a deal right away, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
Pretty sweet – AND effective.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
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Dear Admin! my name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this…
– Someone does a search and winds up at
– They hang out for a minute to check it out. “I’m interested… but… maybe…”
– And then they hit the back button and check out the other search results instead.
– Bottom line – you got an eyeball, but nothing else to show for it.
– There they go.
This isn’t really your fault – it happens a LOT – studies show 7 out of 10 visitors to any site disappear without leaving a trace.
But you CAN fix that.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know right then and there – enabling you to call that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better!
Plus, now that you have their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… so even if you don’t close a deal then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
Strong stuff.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
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Hello Owner! my name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this…
– Someone does a search and winds up at
– They hang out for a minute to check it out. “I’m interested… but… maybe…”
– And then they hit the back button and check out the other search results instead.
– Bottom line – you got an eyeball, but nothing else to show for it.
– There they go.
This isn’t really your fault – it happens a LOT – studies show 7 out of 10 visitors to any site disappear without leaving a trace.
But you CAN fix that.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know right then and there – enabling you to call that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better!
Plus, now that you have their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… so even if you don’t close a deal then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
Strong stuff.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
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Hello Administrator. my name is Eric and I’m betting you’d like your website to generate more leads.
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Web Visitors Into Leads – CLICK HERE for a live demo now.
And now that you’ve got their phone number, our new SMS Text With Lead feature enables you to start a text (SMS) conversation – answer questions, provide more info, and close a deal that way.
If they don’t take you up on your offer then, just follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
The difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour means you could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
Try Web Visitors Into Leads and get more leads now.
PS: The studies show 7 out of 10 visitors don’t hang around – you can’t afford to lose them!
Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
Hello, yes this paragraph is in fact nice and I have learned lot of things from it about blogging.
To the Owner!
Cool website!
My name’s Eric, and I just found your site – – while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool.
But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone like me stumbles across, what usually happens?
Is your site generating leads for your business?
I’m guessing some, but I also bet you’d like more… studies show that 7 out 10 who land on a site wind up leaving without a trace.
Not good.
Here’s a thought – what if there was an easy way for every visitor to “raise their hand” to get a phone call from you INSTANTLY… the second they hit your site and said, “call me now.”
You can –
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better!
That’s why we built out our new SMS Text With Lead feature… because once you’ve captured the visitor’s phone number, you can automatically start a text message (SMS) conversation.
Think about the possibilities – even if you don’t close a deal then and there, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
Wouldn’t that be cool?
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
Dear Administrator.
Cool website!
My name’s Eric, and I just found your site – – while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool.
But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone like me stumbles across, what usually happens?
Is your site generating leads for your business?
I’m guessing some, but I also bet you’d like more… studies show that 7 out 10 who land on a site wind up leaving without a trace.
Not good.
Here’s a thought – what if there was an easy way for every visitor to “raise their hand” to get a phone call from you INSTANTLY… the second they hit your site and said, “call me now.”
You can –
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better!
That’s why we built out our new SMS Text With Lead feature… because once you’ve captured the visitor’s phone number, you can automatically start a text message (SMS) conversation.
Think about the possibilities – even if you don’t close a deal then and there, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
Wouldn’t that be cool?
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
To the Webmaster.
My name’s Eric and I just came across your website – – in the search results.
Here’s what that means to me…
Your SEO’s working.
You’re getting eyeballs – mine at least.
Your content’s pretty good, wouldn’t change a thing.
Eyeballs don’t pay the bills.
And studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors to a site like will drop by, take a gander, and then head for the hills without doing anything else.
It’s like they never were even there.
You can fix this.
You can make it super-simple for them to raise their hand, say, “okay, let’s talk” without requiring them to even pull their cell phone from their pocket… thanks to Web Visitors Into Leads.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that sits on your site, ready and waiting to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know immediately – so you can talk to that lead immediately… without delay… BEFORE they head for those hills.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Now it’s also true that when reaching out to hot leads, you MUST act fast – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later is huge – like 100 times better!
That’s what makes our new SMS Text With Lead feature so powerful… you’ve got their phone number, so now you can start a text message (SMS) conversation with them… so even if they don’t take you up on your offer right away, you continue to text them new offers, new content, and new reasons to do business with you.
This could change everything for you and your business.
CLICK HERE to learn more about everything Web Visitors Into Leads can do and start turing eyeballs into money.
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – you could be converting up to 100x more leads immediately!
It even includes International Long Distance Calling.
Paying customers are out there waiting.
Starting connecting today by CLICKING HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good.
I do not know who you are but certainly you are going to a famous
blogger if you aren’t already 😉 Cheers!
Dear Administrator.
My name’s Eric and I just found your site
It’s got a lot going for it, but here’s an idea to make it even MORE effective.
Web Visitors Into Leads – CLICK HERE for a live demo now.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
And once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… and if they don’t take you up on your offer then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
The difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour means you could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors disappear and are gone forever after just a moment. Don’t keep losing them.
Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
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Hello Admin.
My name’s Eric and I just ran across your website at…
I found it after a quick search, so your SEO’s working out…
Content looks pretty good…
One thing’s missing though…
A QUICK, EASY way to connect with you NOW.
Because studies show that a web lead like me will only hang out a few seconds – 7 out of 10 disappear almost instantly, Surf Surf Surf… then gone forever.
I have the solution:
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to TALK with them – literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works and even give it a try… it could be huge for your business.
Plus, now that you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation pronto… which is so powerful, because connecting with someone within the first 5 minutes is 100 times more effective than waiting 30 minutes or more later.
The new text messaging feature lets you follow up regularly with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship.
Everything I’ve just described is extremely simple to implement, cost-effective, and profitable.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business, potentially converting up to 100X more eyeballs into leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
I have been surfing online greater than 3 hours as
of late, yet I never discovered any interesting article like yours.
It is pretty worth sufficient for me. In my opinion, if all webmasters and bloggers made excellent content material as you did, the internet will be much more helpful than ever before.
Nice blog here! Also your site lots up very fast! What web host are you using?
Can I am getting your associate link on your host? I desire my website
loaded up as quickly as yours lol
Dear Administrator! my name’s Eric and for just a second, imagine this…
– Someone does a search and winds up at
– They hang out for a minute to check it out. “I’m interested… but… maybe…”
– And then they hit the back button and check out the other search results instead.
– Bottom line – you got an eyeball, but nothing else to show for it.
– There they go.
This isn’t really your fault – it happens a LOT – studies show 7 out of 10 visitors to any site disappear without leaving a trace.
But you CAN fix that.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know right then and there – enabling you to call that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
Time is money when it comes to connecting with leads – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later can be huge – like 100 times better!
Plus, now that you have their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… so even if you don’t close a deal then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
Strong stuff.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
To the Administrator.
Eric here with a quick thought about your website…
I’m on the internet a lot and I look at a lot of business websites.
Like yours, many of them have great content.
But all too often, they come up short when it comes to engaging and connecting with anyone who visits.
I get it – it’s hard. Studies show 7 out of 10 people who land on a site, abandon it in moments without leaving even a trace. You got the eyeball, but nothing else.
Here’s a solution for you…
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to talk with them literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
It could be huge for your business – and because you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately… and contacting someone in that 5 minute window is 100 times more powerful than reaching out 30 minutes or more later.
Plus, with text messaging you can follow up later with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to keep the conversation going.
Everything I’ve just described is extremely simple to implement, cost-effective, and profitable.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more eyeballs into leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
Dear Admin!
This is Eric and I ran across a few minutes ago.
Looks great… but now what?
By that I mean, when someone like me finds your website – either through Search or just bouncing around – what happens next? Do you get a lot of leads from your site, or at least enough to make you happy?
Honestly, most business websites fall a bit short when it comes to generating paying customers. Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors disappear and are gone forever after just a moment.
Here’s an idea…
How about making it really EASY for every visitor who shows up to get a personal phone call you as soon as they hit your site…
You can –
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
You’ll be amazed – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour or more later could increase your results 100-fold.
It gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation.
That way, even if you don’t close a deal right away, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
Pretty sweet – AND effective.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
Hello Owner! my name’s Eric and I just ran across your website at…
I found it after a quick search, so your SEO’s working out…
Content looks pretty good…
One thing’s missing though…
A QUICK, EASY way to connect with you NOW.
Because studies show that a web lead like me will only hang out a few seconds – 7 out of 10 disappear almost instantly, Surf Surf Surf… then gone forever.
I have the solution:
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to TALK with them – literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works and even give it a try… it could be huge for your business.
Plus, now that you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation pronto… which is so powerful, because connecting with someone within the first 5 minutes is 100 times more effective than waiting 30 minutes or more later.
The new text messaging feature lets you follow up regularly with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship.
Everything I’ve just described is extremely simple to implement, cost-effective, and profitable.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business, potentially converting up to 100X more eyeballs into leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
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Dear Administrator! Eric here with a quick thought about your website…
I’m on the internet a lot and I look at a lot of business websites.
Like yours, many of them have great content.
But all too often, they come up short when it comes to engaging and connecting with anyone who visits.
I get it – it’s hard. Studies show 7 out of 10 people who land on a site, abandon it in moments without leaving even a trace. You got the eyeball, but nothing else.
Here’s a solution for you…
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. You’ll know immediately they’re interested and you can call them directly to talk with them literally while they’re still on the web looking at your site.
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
It could be huge for your business – and because you’ve got that phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately… and contacting someone in that 5 minute window is 100 times more powerful than reaching out 30 minutes or more later.
Plus, with text messaging you can follow up later with new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to keep the conversation going.
Everything I’ve just described is extremely simple to implement, cost-effective, and profitable.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more eyeballs into leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
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Hi Owner. I just found your site, quick question…
My name’s Eric, I found after doing a quick search – you showed up near the top of the rankings, so whatever you’re doing for SEO, looks like it’s working well.
So here’s my question – what happens AFTER someone lands on your site? Anything?
Research tells us at least 70% of the people who find your site, after a quick once-over, they disappear… forever.
That means that all the work and effort you put into getting them to show up, goes down the tubes.
Why would you want all that good work – and the great site you’ve built – go to waste?
Because the odds are they’ll just skip over calling or even grabbing their phone, leaving you high and dry.
But here’s a thought… what if you could make it super-simple for someone to raise their hand, say, “okay, let’s talk” without requiring them to even pull their cell phone from their pocket?
You can – thanks to revolutionary new software that can literally make that first call happen NOW.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that sits on your site, ready and waiting to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re still there at your site.
You know, strike when the iron’s hot!
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
When targeting leads, you HAVE to act fast – the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later is huge – like 100 times better!
That’s why you should check out our new SMS Text With Lead feature as well… once you’ve captured the phone number of the website visitor, you can automatically kick off a text message (SMS) conversation with them.
Imagine how powerful this could be – even if they don’t take you up on your offer immediately, you can stay in touch with them using text messages to make new offers, provide links to great content, and build your credibility.
Just this alone could be a game changer to make your website even more effective.
Strike when the iron’s hot!
CLICK HERE to learn more about everything Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business – you’ll be amazed.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – you could be converting up to 100x more leads immediately!
It even includes International Long Distance Calling.
Stop wasting money chasing eyeballs that don’t turn into paying customers.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
We’d like to introduce to you our explainer video service, which we feel can benefit your site
Check out some of our existing videos here:
All of our videos are in a similar animated format as the above examples, and we have voice over artists with US/UK/Australian accents. We can also produce voice overs in languages other than English.
They can show a solution to a problem or simply promote one of your products or services. They are concise, can be uploaded to video sites such as YouTube, and can be embedded into your website or featured on landing pages.
Our prices are as follows depending on video length:
Up to 1 minute = $259
1-2 minutes = $379
2-3 minutes = $489
*All prices above are in USD and include a full script, voice-over and video.
If this is something you would like to discuss further, don’t hesitate to reply.
Kind Regards,
To the Administrator!
My name is Eric and unlike a lot of emails you might get, I wanted to instead provide you with a word of encouragement – Congratulations
What for?
Part of my job is to check out websites and the work you’ve done with definitely stands out.
It’s clear you took building a website seriously and made a real investment of time and resources into making it top quality.
There is, however, a catch… more accurately, a question…
So when someone like me happens to find your site – maybe at the top of the search results (nice job BTW) or just through a random link, how do you know?
More importantly, how do you make a connection with that person?
Studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors don’t stick around – they’re there one second and then gone with the wind.
Here’s a way to create INSTANT engagement that you may not have known about…
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know INSTANTLY that they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally checking out
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
It could be a game-changer for your business – and it gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately (and there’s literally a 100X difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes.)
Plus then, even if you don’t close a deal right away, you can connect later on with text messages for new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship.
Everything I’ve just described is simple, easy, and effective.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
Dear Owner.
My name’s Eric and I just found your site
It’s got a lot going for it, but here’s an idea to make it even MORE effective.
Web Visitors Into Leads – CLICK HERE for a live demo now.
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site.
And once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation… and if they don’t take you up on your offer then, you can follow up with text messages for new offers, content links, even just “how you doing?” notes to build a relationship.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
The difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus a half-hour means you could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors disappear and are gone forever after just a moment. Don’t keep losing them.
Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here
To the Admin.
My name is Eric and unlike a lot of emails you might get, I wanted to instead provide you with a word of encouragement – Congratulations
What for?
Part of my job is to check out websites and the work you’ve done with definitely stands out.
It’s clear you took building a website seriously and made a real investment of time and resources into making it top quality.
There is, however, a catch… more accurately, a question…
So when someone like me happens to find your site – maybe at the top of the search results (nice job BTW) or just through a random link, how do you know?
More importantly, how do you make a connection with that person?
Studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors don’t stick around – they’re there one second and then gone with the wind.
Here’s a way to create INSTANT engagement that you may not have known about…
Web Visitors Into Leads is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know INSTANTLY that they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally checking out
CLICK HERE to try out a Live Demo with Web Visitors Into Leads now to see exactly how it works.
It could be a game-changer for your business – and it gets even better… once you’ve captured their phone number, with our new SMS Text With Lead feature, you can automatically start a text (SMS) conversation – immediately (and there’s literally a 100X difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes.)
Plus then, even if you don’t close a deal right away, you can connect later on with text messages for new offers, content links, even just follow up notes to build a relationship.
Everything I’ve just described is simple, easy, and effective.
CLICK HERE to discover what Web Visitors Into Leads can do for your business.
You could be converting up to 100X more leads today!
PS: Web Visitors Into Leads offers a FREE 14 days trial – and it even includes International Long Distance Calling.
You have customers waiting to talk with you right now… don’t keep them waiting.
CLICK HERE to try Web Visitors Into Leads now.
If you’d like to unsubscribe click here